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Sharon Depowski, Therapist It takes a lot of courage to take that first step, which is making the initial phone call. My treatment approach is to provide support and practical feedback to help clients address current life challenges and long standing issues. Common issues include the following: depression and anxiety, panic attacks, relationship issues, grief and loss, work and career issues, stress management, addiction and recovery, conflict resolution, and LGBTQ+ (individuals and couples). I also assist individuals and couples with the following issues: anger management, chronic pain, self esteem issues, and post traumatic stress disorder (witnessing or experiencing a frightening event). My only limitation is that I can only accept clients who are adults 18 and over. There are also insurance limitations as follows: I am unable to accept any HMO plans and only accept Blue Cross Community Medicaid.

With over twenty-five years of experience, my speciality is to assist individuals through life transitions, such as divorce, empty nest syndrome, and assisting aging parents. However, I also work with couples as they experience stressors which may impact their relationship, resulting in marital dissatisfaction and/or separation; I have also assisted couples as they are going through the stages of divorce. As individuals experience life transitions, they may also experience personal growth. This may result in some tears, but usually results in a great sense of accomplishment.

Ready to get help? Let's get started getting you the help you need...

Please complete all the forms and either scan back to me at or fax to 630.903.6081. Please complete the Client Information Form to the best of your ability; it will also be reviewed during your first session. If this will be a couples session, each person needs to complete a Client Information Form. The next form is Consent To Treament and Client Rights; please read it over and sign if you have no questions, otherwise feel free to contact me at 630.903.6006 with any questions. Only one line needs to be signed unless this is a couples session, in which case both individuals would sign it.

The Insurance Release Form needs to be completed and signed by the insured individual; the second line is only used if a couple each have their own insurance, as this is a question asked when billing insurance companies. If you are insured under your spouse's or parent's insurance, please write their name and birth date anywhere on this form. Please also include a copy of the front and back of your insurance card(s). Lastly, please sign the Health Insurance Claim Form where indicated at numbers 12 and 13, which allow me to release information to your insurance company(s) and for them to pay me directly. Since I file claims online, you do not need to complete the form; I simply need to have signatures on file per the question asked by the insurance company.